A couple of weeks back we broughtyouvariouspartsfrom "The Boardroom Video", along with a photo gallery. Today, we bring you the full video, with the full cast of characters and all the bits in between. Enjoy.
Featuring, in order of appearance:
Aiden Margason
Greg Lam
Merek imbeau
Trint Thomas
Dempsey Rocchio
James Clarke
Mitchell Antoniak
Joey Moore
Andrew Wheeler
Ross ouellette
Henry Mcquaid
Chase Torrie
JJ Ralph
John Moir
Ryan Siemens
Ehren McGovern
Derek Longo
Danny Empey
Evan Tancredi
Ryan O’Connor
Adam Christiansen
Ryan Lepore
Gabe Di Norscio
Kyler Hale
Can MacGregor