but i carried on anyway
I moved along with my girlfriend Ema, from Hamilton, ON, to Auckland, New Zealand around about middle of March 2019. My missus is from New Zealand, we met when she lived in San Francisco, she then moved to Hamilton with me for two years until her visa ran up and it was my turn to make the move.

Ema rekindled some old friendships, leading us to just slot in perfect with a rad group of punk, metal-heads, skating mostly at a park called Nixon, off Bond Street. Nixon is where it's at. There's a rad crew of dudes there (BSH) that make the park feel like every other local park, on a Friday night sesh, with the radio blaring, beers flowin', high energy, and good times. The main crew of dudes would be Alex Fullerton, Sean Skelton and Jason Baird with the mean Mullet. All the other local dudes in the video are good shit too, always down for a good time.

In February 2020 the buddies from Hamilton, Nate Belgrave and Mike Schnittker flew out for 4 weeks. We had more of a driving trip then a skate trip but regardless it was good times all around.Fortunate for there visit to have even happened, with New Zealand going into lock-down about a week and a half after they arrived home. Left us all with alot to reflect on.

The videos is mostly park footy, i think it has about one kickflip, but yeah, oh well i guess hahah. Hoping it works to keep the buddies fired up and a little closer to sanity while at home.
Like everyone else, just hoping we all can recover from all this. Can't wait to get back out there with all the homies.

Video and words by Justin O'Connor
Photos by Nate Belgrave