Frontside Rock ‘n’ Roll. Mosolf

What was the first book you read as a teenager that made a mark on you?

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. My dad first read it to me when I was younger and then later in high school I did a paper on it for English class. It opened my eyes to the idea of trying to do everything in life with quality and that you can find contentment in whatever circumstances you find yourself in.

Do you read often these days?

Not as often as I should be. I’m trying to watch less mind-numbing TV shows and read more. I like to listen to audiobooks in the car.

Is there a local bookstore or library you frequent?

Fair’s Fair is an amazing used bookstore in Calgary that has been around for forever. I don’t really like buying books new when you can keep a book out of the landfill and get it for a fraction of the price. Mainly I get books from my dad’s library. He reads more than anyone I know.

What book that you’ve read recently can you recommend to others?

Darkness Visible by William Styron. 

Without giving away too much, what’s it about?

It’s about William Styron’s decent into depression and subsequent recovery. I think he does a really good job of describing something that is hard to define as it’s an individual illness. It was eerie reading someone describe experiences that so closely depicted what I had been going through. 

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