It seems to me that each year longer I spend on this earth, the more complicated things get. For me, for you, for everyone. The political state of affairs in the world is confusing and frustrating, at best; the seasons seem to be shifting and the weather ever more unpredictable, and cost of living is steadily increasing without an equal raise in pay. And yet with all that, we still have skateboarding to provide an ever plentiful filter for all of life’s bullshit. Time spent in the present moment, focusing on a self determined task, surrounded by friends and a buzzing city full of opportunity. For that we are truly and honestly Thankful.

Aarow, Backside Smith Grind

Kai Hoecke, No-Comply

Jake Parker, Wallride

All ages

Will Baigent, Frontside Grind

Cody Beaudry, Backside 50-50

Dillyn Horne, Switch Noseblunt Slide
We are all grown-ass men. Everyone in the crew is working full-time jobs, and we got four dads in the crew. Between work, family and injuries, a lot of our time is spoken for - which makes it all the more sweet every time we have an opportunity to get out in the streets together. There is always time for something you love, as long as you make it. We are all immensely grateful to have an activity that maintains that childlike excitement, can bring together friends old and new, all while producing something as creative and fun as a skate video. The opportunity to add to the long lineage of skateboarding in Toronto through this video and article is a true blessing.

Josh Forgues, Pupecki Grind

Matt Roberts, Lipslide

Josh Edwards, Frontside Crooked Grind

Sean St. Jacques, Switch Wallie. Shot by Nicky Young

Pat Dysart, No-Comply Wallie

Nicky Young, Crooked Grind

Skateboarding is physics and poetry in motion, we are all doing fucking crazy math problems very eloquently every time we step on a skateboard. If you don’t think that's cool, I think you're weird. —Alex Baron
Thankful was primarily shot and edited by Kai Hoecke.
Photos by Nathan Stripp