Last weekend in Vancouver, Granville Island and the Vancouver Skateboard Coalition came together for a community celebration of skateboarding. For two full days, a normally-devoid-of-energy parking garage, along with an adjacent and sheltered carving station, were transformed into skateboard sanctuaries. Thanks to the tireless work of many volunteers and community groups, this event brought thousands of skateboarders together under one (well, two) roofs, something that's rarely possible during the rainy winter season in a city without an indoor skateboard facility. Continue on for some photos from Norma Ibarra and Jeff Thorburn.
Power in numbers.Norma's was quite good at mobilizing the group photo.Rosie Archie (left) brought some young women up for a First Peoples & Traditional Territory acknowledgment before things kicked off.So many kids were out there going for it.And so many helping hands were always outstretched.Super volunteers.One of many crews.Posse in effect.The DIY fingerboard park was a scene of constant action.Geoff Dermer holding it down in the Plaza history corner.Geoff's been at this for a long time. Check the date, 26 years to the day.So much rad grip art was going down. Skaters.Tristan taking care of the cuts.The guy knows his way around scraps of griptape and paint pens.Walking on air.Shadowy Crook.Where there's an incline, kids will blast off.Strong Boneless.Blunt!Over on the ramp, Back Smiths were being balanced.Mad Dog height on the one side.Cole Nowicki brings a heel monster to the session.When the ramp's going off, shooting near the extension is usually a safe bet. Blunt.Byron shuns my request for another FSA, opting to slap tail up top.Adam Gee's always good for a Texas Plant.Byron, still avoiding the FSA. Boneless.Aaron Johnson fills up Norma's fisheye frame.Chris Haslam starts prepping another serving of cheese and crackers.Jimmy Miller pivots and you know that sucker's going to fakie.Canada Skateboard's Longest Ollie Contest time.I think we're at around 8' here. Taiyo hung up 3 times in a row, but still wanted more.Those little legs can only push so hard, but thankfully the older fellas were game to give Taiyo a running tow in, and sure enough, he made it.Jeff Muirhead takes it 10'.Ryan Lepore was floating it with ease.Callum Derrig takes it 12'.Isaac Walker grabs a Melon to span the distance.Adam Gee powers his way across the 13' gap.In the end, it was Mikey Ray taking it 15' for the win.Canada's Olympic skateboard long-jump team.This was a big weekend for newcomers to skateboarding to make new friends and try some new ramps.Kristen "Eastside Krispy" Landry has been holding in down in these parts for years.The next generation are students of the stoke.High fives and helping hands.Kate from Late Bloomers Skate Club and Jonah from Vancouver Queer Skate.Just plain good times on a good ramp!Spencer Hamilton held a stretching-before-skating workshop.Raffle prizes!Joe Buffalo, Jonah Bayley, and Kristin Ebeling on stage for the New Line Skateparks SWITCH (Skate With Intent To Change) panel.Joel Pippus, John Rattray, Joe Buffalo, Jonah Bayley, Kristin Ebeling, Everett Tetz, and Rosie Archie. Learn more about the panel discussion and watch it here.Joe holding up John's upcoming board through Actions Realized.Click to read more about what this incredible group of people had to say while on stage.GASP! rocked the crowd before the lights went down for video time.